The Purification of Rain

Hey there folks,

Foremost, let us get one thing straight. Stop Googling me.

This asshole doesn’t look a thing like me:

Not an asshole.

Look there, that errant cigarette cocked so precariously to the wrong side. That messy mop of long blond locks lost unto themselves. How can that bedraggled devil wandering the dusty streets of Spain truly be the fellow you submit your essays to? And wine? Nonsense – I’m a red-blooded Swiss. I’ll have me a mighty fine beer any day.

Though I won’t say no to a nice Malbec. Or Chianti. Or any wine, really.

Fuck, I love wine.

For all my students who have a predisposition to Google my illustrious name, do be mindful that some huckster is masquerading as your eccentric English teacher. See the difference between the two photos? Come now; how could anyone be fooled in to thinking one handsome devil is portraying the other?

Alleged narcissism aside, let us focus upon the meat and potatoes of this sojourn into madness.

Continue reading “The Purification of Rain”

Not What You Expected

My body was quivering with anticipation. This is it, I thought, it’s finally happening. Oh, how I had been dreaming about it for hours! Days, even! My lust for this moment had maddened me beyond reason. Ah, it had been so long I had almost forgotten what was in store for me.

Pleasure. Incomprehensible pleasure.

We were alone, just the two of us. Private. Secluded. The way it ought to have been. Perfect. Just us. We could take our time, really enjoy one another without intrusion. That’s the downside of Camino – rare are the moments where two can be alone for very long. Always had to be quick. Stupid quick; no time for passion.

But not this time. No, I had all the time in the world. This would not be quick. Everything would be enjoyed. Everything would be supped and savored. We would be locked in that embrace until the heat finally escaped us.

And that meant plenty of time.

We started slowly – didn’t want to use up all the passionate heat right off the bat. I let my hair down; always more fun with the hair down. But within moments I was dripping with sweat. Maybe it was a little too hot?

We turned it down, just a notch, just a bit slower. All the time in the world; no one would bother us here. Savor this, I thought, savor every moment.

That warm embrace, ah! How I felt it across my entire body. Slightly painful (still too hot?) against my bare back, but oddly comforting against my equally bare chest. Wet hair clung to my face; such passion! Can’t even see through the madness I was losing myself to; perfect! Everything around us was slick with perspiration, the air almost suffocating in our steamy embrace, but we carried on. I’ll clean up later.

I quivered throughout the entire session. That touch! Such fire racing throughout my body. Again and again I felt it, as if a million droplets of warmth were being thrown against my body. It had been far too long since I’ve tasted this, felt this, lived this!

Steam. I could see it now. I looked past – only for a moment – and gazed at my hand.

Yes, steam. Our passion had literally created steam rising from my bare skin. Incredible. The warm vapor was everywhere. I looked about but could scarcely see anything, such was the density. Incredible.

How I relished every moment. How I never wanted it to end.

But I felt it.

The briefest signal that things were coming to a climax; I must finish soon. Finish while the passionate heat still existed.

I moved quickly, hands racing here and there, ensuring no spot was left, that everything between us had been touched upon during our time together. Steam rose from my body, but I still raced. Time was running out after all.

With a cry of satisfaction, I allowed myself to finish. I gasped for breath; how could it have ended in such a manner? There’s never enough time, I thought. How I wish I could just enjoy this forever.

I turned the shower off, the last droplets of lukewarm water dripping against my face. When the temperature changes, you know it’s time. But after almost 36 hours without a shower, well, I could spend a little extra time in there, no?

Fuck, I love showers.

In the middle of traveling to a new location in Spanish territory folks; first shower since leaving Grado. I’ll report back once I’m set up in my new digs.

Thanks for reading; hope you got a laugh out of it.

Master of Two Worlds

Hey there folks,

Forgive my lack of posts and updates for the bulk of my time is devoted to the pilgrims at the albergue here in Grado. Plenty of time to jot down thoughts in my journal, but bangin’ out a bitchin’ blog post is much more difficult. I’m not even mad; this gig is such a welcome chapter of my Life. And soon, my Life will change yet again for the better. I go from one happy moment to the next – yes, Life is good.

Boom; headshot.

But you didn’t come here to read about how much I’m enjoying Life and brimming with excitement for Our future. If you’ll allow me, curious reader, let me tell you about being a hospitalero.

Continue reading “Master of Two Worlds”

Camino Famous (Live in Grado!)

Hey there folks,

Do forgive my lack of posts and updates as of late. It’s been a very busy week for me and I’m only now adjusting to a schedule that forces me to write in my rare moments of leisure.

And what sort of schedule might this be, you ask to no one in particular (save maybe your lone cat or blow-up sex doll). One might also wonder why you’re always speaking in italics, dear reader.

Why, silly bitch! My schedule as a hospitalero in the beautiful city of Grado, Spain People’s Republic of Asturias, of course!

I’ve been on location now for four days and will finish out the month at the brand new albergue (can’t miss it). It’s a busy ordeal, lemme tell you, with the pilgrims and the building to care for, but gods, I enjoy this stuff. Not much time to write, but somehow I manage.

You rarely have time to yourself as a hospitalero; few things, comrades, are more gratifying than this type of volunteer work. Lemme a’splain.

Now with more old lesbian doppelganger
Now with more old lesbian doppelganger

But let’s backtrack a bit here, eh? We’ve a few days to catch up with one another after all.

Continue reading “Camino Famous (Live in Grado!)”

Go and Hide in a Hole if You Wish

Hey there folks,

As a Catholic, I’m not entirely sure what I’m supposed to believe in nor acknowledge without offending the Almighty, His angels and saints, and my many good Catholic friends. Do forgive me, for I’m just a mere (im)mortal with his sporadic outbursts of piety coupled with extreme heathenism. For you see, dear reader, I do firmly believe in Fate and that things happen for a reason: whether we realize the reason or not is irrelevant. Free will, to me, is an expressed illusion, for our Fate has already been woven – we simply follow the thread through our own labyrinth.

For reference, view the first 25 seconds or so.

Forgive me, Catholic friends, for citing Odin as a skald to live by.

So, enough heathen outbursts; meat and potatoes, eh?

Continue reading “Go and Hide in a Hole if You Wish”