Happy to Serve

That’s what it says at the very end of every last one of my emails: Let me know how else I can serve. I had a colleague remark about that, with a polite chuckle about the literal meaning behind it: serve? I’m not a fuckin’ waiter.

But in this profession that I have returned to after a year of absence and a bitter betrayal, I still stand by the sentiment. I am not here to make a profit nor an impact.

I am merely here to serve.

And whether that means dealing with my patient wife, flock of chickens, horde of hounds, swarm of bees and black soldier flies, gardens and growing things, or my beloved goombas matters not: I am here to serve.

It has been far too long, dear reader. Please, forgive me. It has been the most curious of years here in the mountains, far removed from the deserts of my youth and career, but what a tale of love and growth it is.

The Emperor once remarked in his masterpiece, Meditations, that the best revenge is to live a better life.

After a year, it seems I’m pretty good at revenge.

More to follow, dear reader. This storm has some fury to unleash yet.

Welcome back.

Author: Bruno

A blog for mad people by a madman.

2 thoughts on “Happy to Serve”

  1. Hey Bruno,
    Kathy Jo from the Camino hospitalaro class from years past. Serendipitous that I was cleaning out old emails and I came upon yours and decided to keep it. That was just two days ago. I hadn’t heard from you and hoped you were doing well. New wife, mountains, chickens, hounds, and bees. Sounds like your service is calling you in a different direction at this time. Happy for you 🙂
    Kathy Jo


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